Monthly Archives: April 2023

The Value of Equality versus Equity

E-Newsletter No. 112                 April 2023          

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Conservatives champion the fundamental principle that every individual has “Equality” and equal protections under the law.  It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, or what your ethnic heritage or race might be.  And we appreciate the Rule of Law (even though we oftentimes think there are way too many meaningless laws and that some laws are counter-productive and need to be changed through the legislative process).

The acronym DEI stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and this is a major agenda item for the Left.  Conservatives reject the Marxist concept of “Equity.”

Conservatives embrace Diversity.  We are a nation founded by immigrants, with innumerable ethnic backgrounds, which add to the fabric of American life.  America has always been a land of opportunity that draws immigrants from around the world. We believe in the motto at the base of the Statue of Liberty – “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”  However, we are a nation of laws, and we expect immigrants to come here legally.  Unfortunately, the actions of illegal immigrants, which are being tolerated (encouraged?) by the Left, show a total disregard for the Rule of Law.

Conservatives also embrace the concept of Inclusion.  Again, we do not care about a person’s ethnic heritage or race.  Our fundamental guiding principle should always continue to be “e pluribus unum” (out of many, one). 

The reason Conservatives reject the Marxist concept of “Equity” is that we recognize the reality that each individual has their own particular skills and aspirations, and this reality inevitably results in “unequal outcomes.”  And of course, that reality is entirely contrary to the agenda and goals of Marxists.  Their solution is to obtain absolute control of the government, so they can use the power of the government to redistribute wealth from some citizens and then transfer it to their supporters. 

Fortunately, there continues to be some level of resistance to that particular tactic.  However, unfortunately, there is another tactic used by the Left to achieve their goal of “Equity” and that tactic is to steal that wealth from future generations. 

US Debt Clock – – March 1st – $94,440 per citizen / April 1st – $94,600