
Be a Yard Sign Volunteer

Select a yard sign from our catalogue –

Follow this link to a text document that you can paste into an email to place your order –

There is no cost for the yard sign that we will mail to you.

Once you receive your yard sign, you will need to make a wire frame for your sign. If you have an old campaign sign from a previous election, you can simply slide your new F2PPR yard sign over that frame. Or – Simply go to your local hardware store and purchase 7 – 8 feet of 9-guage wire, and in the middle of the wire make two 90-degree bends about 22 inches apart.

If you have a family member or neighbor who would also like to display a yard sign, you can give them your sign and then order a new sign for your yard.

Preferably, you should encourage your family and neighbors to join our Foundation by signing up on the “Contact Us” page, and they can then directly request a yard sign.