The Second Amendment

E-Newsletter No. 102               June 2022          

Our Liberties are in danger of being toppled.  Last month, we talked about the First Amendment.  This month, the Second Amendment –

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

During a Democrat presidential debate, Beto O’Rourke reiterated his support for a mandatory gun buyback program, stating “hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

Lauren Boebert later confronted O’Rourke during a subsequent event in Aurora, Colorado – “I am here to say, hell, no, you’re not…  I have four children.  I am 5-foot-0, 100 pounds, and cannot really defend myself with a fist…  I want to know how you’re going to legislate that because a criminal, by definition, breaks the law, so all you’re going to do is restrict law-abiding citizens like myself.” Boebert has gone on to oppose gun restrictions, arguing that no legislation can ever stop evil in a person’s heart. 

Let’s focus on the phrase “shall not be infringed.”  Beto O’Rourke and other “progressives” (including RINOs) do not acknowledge and adhere to what is written in the US Constitution.  A case can be made that these elected officials have violated their oath to support and defend the Constitution. 

On Saturday, June 25th, a piece of legislation that had been passed by the Senate and House was signed into law.  The bill was touted as being a “gun safety bill.”  But there was nothing in the bill that changed the nature of guns or made them more safe.  Luckily (and to the consternation of those on the Left) the bill fell well short of the more robust restrictions they have sought to achieve for years, such as reinstating the ban on “assault-type” weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.

On our website, we have a conversation piece entitled “Don’t Tread on Me / There Ought to be a Law (Or Not).”  The passage of this bill did help satisfy the needs of these legislators to “Do Something.”  However, the primary focus was on guns, and did little to address the true root cause of the Buffalo, New York or Uvalde, Texas tragedies.  No legislation can ever stop evil in a person’s heart, and criminals do not care what laws are on the books. 

The city of Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation.  There were 797 homicides committed with a gun in Chicago during 2021, the highest number in 25 years.  The vast majority of these homicide victims were black.  Unfortunately, the media focuses on sensational / emotional incidents like the Uvalde, Texas tragedy.  Do black lives in Chicago really matter?  Is BLM actually accomplishing anything? Fortunately, the calls to defund the police seem to have diminished over the past couple of years.   

The legislation mentioned above did include the appropriation of money to be sent to the states to help them improve school safety, which is a good thing.  However, this new law is yet another instance where the Left continues to chip away at the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.  It is a slow and steady and unrelenting process.  Yes, our Liberties are in constant danger of being toppled.

US Debt Clock – – May 1st – $91,375 per citizen / June 1st – $91,550

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