What’s Wrong with the Federal Government

E-Newsletter No. 76                     April 2020     

This month, we are starting a series of newsletters regarding our Editorial Board’s views on why our federal government has become dysfunctional, and why this dysfunction is contributing to the growing divide between conservatives and the radical Left.  This month’s letter will address some of the “root causes” of this dysfunction and why, over time, our federal government has become “not so great.”  The members of our Editorial Board continue to believe in American Exceptionalism, and we want to ensure that we can keep it that way for future generations.  Therefore, we must begin to fix our federal government.   Next month, we are going to discuss the legislative branch, then the executive branch, then the judiciary, and lastly, the unelected / unaccountable “fourth branch of government” aka the Administrative State / the Bureaucracy / the Deep State.

America continues to be the most successful “melting pot” in world history.  People want to live here.  We take in more immigrants (by far) than any other country in the world.  And why is that?  We believe the primary reasons are Liberty and Freedom (which are under attack by the Left).  And we also believe in the power of E Pluribus Unum – our ability to help new legal immigrants learn and embrace our shared values and effectively assimilate to life in our country.  Unfortunately, because of the Left’s obsession with identity politics, this shared American value is also under constant attack. 

What is even more alarming is that the radical Left has now come to believe our country is fatally flawed.  The radical Left (the New York Times, etc.) believe our country is flawed because slaves were brought to our shores in 1619.  Therefore, last year, the New York Times launched The 1619 Project to “re-interpret” (spin) our country’s history to fit their (Leftist) narrative.  Please keep in mind that slavery was not an uncommon phenomenon throughout the world in 1619.  And even though slavery was ended in America in the 1860s (after a massive loss of life during the Civil War) the radical Left and The New York Times believe this stain on our country’s history is the root cause of all of our country’s current ills.  We have a different assessment of history and a different viewpoint regarding the trendlines of our country’s history, especially since the 1920s.  We believe the root cause of our growing divide is the steady (relentless) onward march of the “progressive” movement, which has as its primary goal the fundamental “transformation” of our country.

The members of our Editorial Board have grave concerns about the size and scope and growing intrusiveness of the federal government.  The Framers of our Constitution put into place a unique form of government, centered on the individual.   The federal government is supposed to be subservient to We-the-People (not the other way around).  The Constitution was based on sound, time-tested principles, and was based on the Framers’ study of history and their assessment of what has worked in the past.  We have strayed from the Framers’ original vision of a small, effective federal government that has specific (limited) powers and responsibilities, which focus on protecting the general welfare of the country as a whole and protecting each individual’s rights.  We reject the concept of a “living constitution.”   Unfortunately, the seed of the progressive movement was planted a long time ago, and it has given root to a constantly expanding federal government. 

We believe in the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution – “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people.”  These delegated (limited) powers of the federal government are enumerated in Article 1 of the constitution.

US Debt Clock – – March 1st – $71,024 per citizen / April 1st – $71,888

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