Why Does the Left Want to Transform America?

E-Newsletter No. 69                     September 2019     

Is that a good question, or what?  As we all recall, that was one of the main campaign themes for Barack Obama.  But why would we want to change the nature of our country?  In our July newsletter, we talked about three shared values that We-the-People hold dear, and which have served to make America great.  So, why does the radical Left despise each of these values? 

As we have noted, “identity politics” is the exact opposite of E Pluribus Unum.  America is the most inclusive, least racist multi-cultural society in the world.  That is the reason why so many millions of people around the world want to immigrate to our country.  The main thing conservatives want to see happen is to have each immigrant assimilate, embrace our shared values, embrace the principles in our Constitution, and learn to speak English, so that they can become a full member of our One society.  Multi-culturalism and diversity are good things, but only if they are secondary to E Pluribus Unum.  Unfortunately, if you do not agree with the radical Left’s agenda, you run the risk of being labeled a racist, a person of “privilege”, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, an Islamophobe, and / or a religious bigot (as per whatever their perceived “injustice” might be).  

Liberty is an American value as well as a French value.  However, the essence of this shared value means something entirely different in America.  The focus of the American value is on the Liberty of the individual.  The radical Left (and the French) want the equality of outcomes.  It should be readily apparent that you cannot achieve equality of outcomes without infringing upon the rights of the individual.  Many (hopefully most) Americans don’t want to be French.

Why does the radical Left want to eliminate the reference to God in our Pledge of Allegiance?  There is a quote from Karl Marx, who said “Religion is the opium of the people.”  Religion and our trust in God prevents the Left from elevating trust in government above our trust in God.  Big and Bigger Government has become the true religion of “progressives” and the American Left.

So, why DOES the Left want to transform America?  The common thread seems to be the Left’s desire for power and control.  As Dennis Prager mentioned in his video about the Seven Inevitable Results of Big Government, “The Left believes the State should be the most powerful force in society.  There should be no power that competes with government – – not parents, not businesses, not private schools, not religious institutions, not even the individual human conscience.”  Of course, the Left’s world view is exactly opposite from the founding principle that our federal government is subservient to We-the-People.  The government works for us, not the other way around.

The progressive movement is based on the belief that the political elites in Washington DC (along with their experts and “expertise”) can solve each individual’s problem, whatever it may be.  And if the radical Left is able to achieve their dream of One World Order, they would then be in a position to have power over the lives of everyone.  So of course, they want Open Borders, and want to eliminate the idea of sovereign nation-states.

As we all know, this was also the goal of global communism.  Fortunately, history intervened (along with individuals’ desire for personal liberty) and that terrifying goal was never achieved.  Having said that, this doesn’t mean the progressive movement’s desire for power and control has diminished in the least.   

US Debt Clock – – August 1st – $68,250 per citizen / September 1st – $68,426

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